
MEET Our Founders

Michael Romeo, Susan Penski, and David Carson

CareGlider - The Mobility Solution that Empowers and Protects Caregivers

CareGliders co-founder, Susan Penski, sustained a series of aggravated shoulder injuries while providing manual companion chair mobility to her husband. Seeking alternatives, she quickly realized there were no powered options where the caregiver was in control. Instead of just accepting the limited options available, Susan set forth on a mission to develop a powered companion chair solution that is safe, portable, and maneuverable. 

Next, Susan pursued a resource capable of transforming her idea into a viable product. She discovered Michael Romeo, an inventor for Envision Product Development Group, LLC. Together, Susan and Michael, along with Envision founder David Carson, a med tech innovator and product-to-market veteran, went on to transform Susan’s vision.  Out of her desire to help the growing masses of caregivers avoid debilitating injuries the patented CareGlider was born.